Carbonite Onsite Backup - Proven Data Protection.
Formerly EVault, this solution is still one of the best core products I have ever used for granular restore and DR. Designed specifically in-house for internal, then MSP provisioning, and later also sold on site to customers, it is a true Cloud-Connected Service Solution with a proven track record against Ransomware, Disasters, and meeting the needs of day-to-day reactive Restores.
One of the fastest and most reliable methods of restore on the market today, I can help with Customer understanding and administration as well as Partner provision as-a-Service. I have mentored hundreds of Industry Professionals of all levels to be effective experts on the solution.
Please contact me directly for availability & other details.
SE Positioning
MSP/Onsite Deployment
Best Practices
Business Use
1st/2nd line Support Training
Data Protection Erudition
RTO/RPO optimisation
Real-World Use